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Highly skilled and motivated

Kim Behnke

Import / export for general cargo customers
[Translate to German:]


Proxy Holder
Sales / offers


Tel. +49 0 421 - 30 29 332

Fax +49 0 421 - 30 29 338

Younes Bekjar

Julian Berendt

Export removals FCL


Authorised signatory
Sales / offers


Tel. +49 0 421 - 30 29 319

Fax +49 0 421 - 30 29 368

Niklas Borgaes

Import removals LCL
[Translate to German:]


Customer service


Tel. +49 0 421 - 30 29 323

Fax +49 0 421 - 30 29 328

Ismail Bozkurt

Linda Bredehöft

[Translate to German:]


Authorised signatory


Tel. +49 0 421 - 30 29 342

Fax +49 0 421 - 30 29 339

Lisa Bremermann

Thomas Brinkmann

[Translate to German:]


Customer service


Tel. +49 0 421 - 30 29 321

Fax +49 0 421 - 30 29 338

Miriam Brumley

Import / Import removals /FCL
[Translate to German:]




Tel. +49 0 421 30 29 365

Fax +49 0 421 30 29 328

Maike Danker

Export removals FCL
[Translate to German:]


Customer service


Tel. +49 0 421 - 30 29 352

Fax +49 0 421 - 30 29 348

Wiebke Depperschmidt

Export removals FCL
[Translate to German:]


Customer service


Tel. +49 0 421 30 29 356

Fax +49 0 421 30 29 328

Hermi Dopmann

[Translate to German:]


Managing director
Human resources / contracts / educator /
procurement / sales / IT / quotes


Tel. +49 0 421 - 30 29 330

Fax +49 0 421 - 30 29 338

Silke Eggers

[Translate to German:]




Tel. +49 0 421 - 30 29 345

Fax +49 0 421 - 30 29 348

Yavuz Erol

Import / export for general cargo customers
[Translate to German:]


Customer service


Tel. +49 0 421 - 30 29 337

Fax +49 0 421 - 30 29 338

Gabriele Fischer

Export removals FCL
[Translate to German:]


Customer service


Tel. +49 0 421 30 29 350

Fax +49 0 421 30 29 348

Corinna Göttsch

[Translate to German:]


Customer service


Tel. +49 0 421 - 30 29 361

Fax +49 0 421 - 30 29 339

Clara Greve

Kerstin Heins

Export removals FCL
[Translate to German:]


Customer service


Tel. +49 0 421 - 30 29 313

Fax +49 0 421 - 30 29 348

Melanie Herbst

Import removals FCL
[Translate to German:]


Customer service


Tel. +49 0 421 - 30 29 3723

Fax +49 0 421 - 30 29 338

Malte Huntemann

[Translate to German:]




Tel. +49 0 421 - 30 29 3725

Fax +49 0 421 - 30 29 328

Lukas Kahrs

Export removals FCL
[Translate to German:]


Customer service


Tel. +49 0 421 - 30 29 320

Fax +49 0 421 - 30 29 328

Claudia Kiehn

[Translate to German:]




Tel. +49 0 421 - 30 29 351

Fax +49 0 421 - 30 29 348

Christian Klima

Import removals FCL


Authorised signatory
Special Accounts
Sales / Quotes


Tel. +49 0 421 - 30 29 326

Fax +49 0 421 - 30 29 328

Alexandra Kramer

Export removals
[Translate to German:]


Authorised signatory
Special Accounts
Sales / Quotes


Tel. +49 0 421 - 30 29 315

Fax +49 0 421 - 30 29 348

Bashar Maamou

Joanne Maaß

Export removals FCL
[Translate to German:]


Customer service


Tel. +49 0 421 - 30 29 311

Fax +49 0 421 - 30 29 348

Sandra Meyer

[Translate to German:]




Tel. +49 0 421 - 30 29 345

Fax +49 0 421 - 30 29 348

Lena Sophie Oswald

Export removals FCL / Crossbookings
[Translate to German:]


Customer service


Tel. +49 0 421 30 29 316

Fax +49 0 421 30 29 348

Alina Puvogel

Marcus Reimuth

Export removals FCL


Authorised signatory
Special Accounts
Sales / Quotes


Tel. +49 0 421 - 30 29 324

Fax +49 0 421 - 30 29 328

Tim Reitenbach

Import / Export / Customs Specialist
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Tel. +49 0 421 - 30 29 335

Fax +49 0 421 - 30 29 328

Kai Renke

Import / FCL / LCL removals
[Translate to German:]


Special Accounts


Tel. +49 0 421 - 30 29 347

Fax +49 0 421 - 30 29 328

Kai-Oliver Ring

Export removals FCL
[Translate to German:]


Customer service


Tel. +49 0 421 - 30 29 369

Fax +49 0 421 - 30 29 348

Nieves Romero Anglada

Import removals
[Translate to German:]


Customer service


Tel. +49 0 421 - 30 29 314

Fax +49 0 421 - 30 29 328

Alexandra Roos

Export removals FCL
[Translate to German:]


Customer service


Tel. +49 0 421 - 30 29 364

Fax +49 0 421 - 30 29 328

Claudia Sach

Import removals / Origin services
[Translate to German:]


Customer service


Tel. +49 0 421 - 30 29 362

Fax +49 0 421 - 30 29 328

Mario Schauer

Import / export for general cargo customers
[Translate to German:]


Customer service


Tel. +49 0 421 - 30 29 336

Fax +49 0 421 - 30 29 338

Maik Schilling

Import removals FCL
[Translate to German:]


Customer service


Tel. +49 0 421 - 30 29 363

Fax +49 0 421 - 30 29 328

Miriam Schlack

[Translate to German:]




Tel. +49 0 421 - 30 29 3730

Fax +49 0 421 - 30 29 338

Michael Scholz

Import removals FCL
[Translate to German:]


Customer service


Tel. +49 0 421 - 30 29 327

Fax +49 0 421 - 30 29 328

Stefan Schueltge

Export / LCL / RO-RO removals
[Translate to German:]


Customer service


Tel. +49 0 421 - 30 29 318

Fax +49 0 421 - 30 29 368

Laura Schwarze

[Translate to German:]


Customer service


Tel. +49 0 421 - 30 29 343

Fax +49 0 421 - 30 29 339

Jan Soller

Import removals / Origin services
[Translate to German:]


Customer service


Tel. +49 0 421 - 30 29 3727

Fax +49 0 421 - 30 29 328

Matthias Tischer

Import removals
[Translate to German:]


Proxy Holder
Sales / Quotes


Tel. +49 0 421 - 30 29 325

Fax +49 0 421 - 30 29 328

Ole Uhtenwoldt

Import removals LCL / FCL
[Translate to German:]


Customer service


Tel. +49 0 421 - 30 29 3728

Fax +49 0 421 - 30 29 328

Eric Wandji

Export removals FCL
[Translate to German:]


Customer service


Tel. +49 0 421 30 29 3720

Fax +49 0 421 30 29 348

Karina Wäsche

Export removals FCL
[Translate to German:]


Customer service


Tel. +49 0 421 30 29 356

Fax +49 0 421 30 29 328

Vivien Wetekam

Import / export for general cargo customers
[Translate to German:]


Customer service


Tel. +49 0 421 30 29 366

Fax +49 0 421 30 29 338


Apprentices / Trainees at Carl Hartmann

We are committed to the German apprenticeship system, which we consider to be an important task. Our managing director, Hermi Dopmann, is responsible for above at Carl Hartmann.


The ever-increasing flood of information in the international transport business requires skill and prudence when it comes to data processing. Thousands of offers and numerous freight                        


tariffs must be saved, continually monitored for relevance, and made available when needed. This is an important task for our employees in the area of office communications and                  


should not be underestimated. Not to mention our employees who are responsible for records, registry, and courier services.


Carl Hartmann GmbH & Co.KG · Bremen, Germany · Ölmühlenstraße 11/13 · 28195 Bremen                                                 Legal notice & Disclaimer